Breakthrough ADHD Center Case Study: John

John was very bright, but he couldn’t stay focused on school assignments (or almost anything else he didn’t enjoy tremendously). 

His teachers said he couldn’t concentrate on anything more than 10 minutes, even tests. The smallest noise or any movement nearby would distract him. He struggled to focus when reading, so he regularly skipped words.

In contrast, if John liked something, he was able to immerse himself in it for hours easily. The problem came when he needed to switch attention away from that activity. At that point, he would feel utterly lost and become extremely distressed. It caused a lot of conflict at in the classroom. 

By the time he was 9 years old, John’s teachers had labeled him as defiant and threatened to kick him out of school. They complained frequently to his parents about his behavior and academic performance. 

At home, John struggled with mood swings, insomnia and digestion problems.

Everything changed when John’s parents travelled from the United States to get help at the Breakthrough ADHD Center. 

We quickly honed in on the root causes to John’s symptoms. Then we helped him go from being hyper-distracted and highly sensitive to focused and calm in weeks. 

We designed his program to maximize his cooperation as a gifted child. Because of this, John was on board with his tailored program fully in just one day. 

Neurofeedback provided much-needed brain-wave balancing, which went a long way in addressing his distractibility. Also, we optimized his sleep, which transformed his mood swings. 

He worked with our nutritionist to change his diet and improve his digestion. He’d struggled all of his life with stomach pains and a weak immune system. Within six weeks of changing his diet, the pains and frequent illnesses were gone. 

Life and school were much easier for John once his brain was optimized. Within two weeks of starting our customized neurofeedback plan, his reading attention improved and he no longer skipped words. Within 11 weeks, he could finish a math exam without losing focus! He went from being a problem student to getting straight A’s in all his subjects.

John’s case shows what’s possible for gifted or highly sensitive children with ADHD. Learn more about our full-service clinic.


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Sammy Sae Oh

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